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Translating your advertising material into Brazilian Portuguese can be a tricky proposition. In fact, if not done right, it can drive your customers away.

The head of De Paula Translations has over thirty years of experience both in Translation and Marketing. For a short stint, Carlos de Paula was the coordinator of promotions for the Brazilian Tourist Board in New York (1982 to 1985), with input on the Million Dollar Campaign "Aren`t you ready for Rio" in 1983, which helped increase the number of American tourists to Brazil as well as being the driving force for the creation of as proper Rio de Janeiro brochure. Additionally, De Paula also escorted many travel writers to several areas of Brazil, in addition to representing the entity in many Trade Shows in the East Coast.

In the 90's, De Paula created the first yellow pages directory for the Brazilian community in the United States, the BRAZILIAN YELLOW PAGES, which was published from 1990 to 2001. He also edited the Brazilian Product Guide, as well as a number of other International Trade Directories (Mexican Product Guide, Taiwan Product Guide, etc), which were sold in over 50 countries. As an editor of the BRAZILIAN YELLOW PAGES, De Paula wrote advertising copy for many clients.


In a nutshell, a literal translation of your ad can be either misunderstood or not understood at all. What is witty in English may not be witty at all in Portuguese, after all, and word plays generally do no translate well.

Worse yet, most other translation companies might have your ad copy translated by a professional who really has no experience at all translating ads!


If you have a short ad (up to 350 words) to be translated into Brazilian Portuguese, our ADVERTISING COPY PACKAGE will surely interest you.

You will get:

Two translated versions of the advertisement. with back translations into English explaining what was done to the text

- A brief analysis of the brand name, indicating possible negative associations in Portuguese.

- Any applicable recommendations, including proper slogans

- Output in Word. Please not this price does not incude any Desk Top Publishing or layout, only text translation

All this for US$ 200.00

(Longer ads might cost more)

Send you advertisement to


Any questions? (855) 337-2852